The Solent Gospel Partnership is a group of evangelical, Word-driven churches in the Solent region. As churches, we are committed to the centrality of the gospel and the timeless power and sufficiency of a ministry centred on the Bible. We are also eager to see the kingdom of God extended in this region, and run a series of seminars and events which we hope will be catalysts for growth. We are also involved together in seeking to train up others, and to explore how we might reach the unreached rural areas and parts of our cities and towns that need the gospel.

We believe in mutual co-operation and fellowship among those who have the same mind for gospel work. We are hopeful to expand the number of partner churches, and those involved in moving Solent Gospel Partnership forward, in this year. So if your church, or you as a Church leader in a church want to get involved, and you agree with our aims and core beliefs and would like to explore joining SGP then please do get in touch.

As a part of our vision, we run a series of five seminars annually. The past programmes have been diverse, challenging at times, and informative. The benefits of the seminars has included the encouragement of meeting other church leaders, and friendships are growing as we meet together. It has led to some mutual support within the region.

But the seminars have not only been an opportunity to listen and engage with issues for a couple of hours now and then. They have impacted how we think, and speak, and live. As such, we believe that they have built people up and have rolled on into our lives and affected the way we have ministered.

It has also been a great encouragement to see these seminars grow in popularity, drawing on up to about 45 people from various churches in the region.

If you missed a seminar from the past couple of years then downloadable audio is available.

We hope you enjoy looking around the site and if you’re in the Hampshire/Solent region (or further afield), we’d be very glad to see you this year.